Thursday, September 25, 2008

my sweetheart

right now, i find that my fucking satria totally cannot be trusted. not reliable. very low performance. high feul consumption. that old besi buruk also can break down anytime. i'm completely have lost confidence with it. but, my deep heart says, i'm still love it.. i love it very2 much.. it is the only one in my heart. no one can replace that fucking car in my heart.. i'm really love her right now and forever. you r my sayang.. sayang, do u know what i feel towards u. surely u would not understand.. only god understand me. it is impossible 4 me to forget u, syg.. u hear this, syg.. my heart says i will not able to forget u, to erase u from my mind. to replace u with another 1. so, how can i sell u??.perhaps you are the 1st one n the last... so, please dont break down again ye, syg.... hahaha.. w.t.f?? actually, i want a new car... evo 10 also can la.. hahahaha... stupid satria!!

1 comment:

Hilman Idham said...

right Dato...ur car cannot be trusted in managing ur routine..hahahaha