Friday, April 25, 2008

ilham dari Plato

Beberapa hari kebelakangan ini ungkapan filasuf besar dunia, Plato sering kali bermain di minda. Beliau pernah mangungkapkan " at the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet". Maka secara tiba-tiba saya terpanggil untuk menukil sebuah puisi.

to be held,
to be loved,
to feel warmth,
to feel your beating heart.
Wanting to be sheltered from the cold,
heartless winds.
Falling into invisible arms;
into an abyss of love.


I wait

Waiting for you to notice me

Waiting for you to call me
Waiting for you to pay attention to me
Waiting for my great love

If loyalty you ask of me,
My love, I'll grant most heartily.

I'm really miss you, my dear
I'm always miss you
And I’ll sacrifice anything just for you

hahaha.... surely some of you might say 'jiwang karat mamat ni'. No la... just a try.. i have done a good job right?? hehe.. -only play2-

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